Sunday, May 22, 2011

We made it!

So another end of the world, doomsday prophecy has come and gone, and to my suprise i am still here (hint of sarcasm there) I mean really did people expect that this crazed 89 year old man was correct, come on people we're smarter that. Just because someone says that they are a prophet and says that they can read into the "riddles" or "hidden messages" in the bible does not mean that you have to believe them. Following a man like this just makes me believe that Jesus was a man that was able to get much more uneducated people, at the time, to follow him. People have been following false prophets for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. This guy was a christian who got people follow him and believe that the end times was here. Some people maxed out credit cards, spent all thier money, left thier jobs, how crazy is that. They have no reason to be angry at this man, they should look in the mirror and repeat the following, " I am an idiot"  To think that camping spent $100 million dollars on this campaign is ridiculous, however, he is 89 years old and maybe he just wanted his 5 minutes of fame. I mean when thier are millions of christians that did not believe in this coming of the rapture we should have know that it was not true. Christians not all believing in the same thing, that never happens, (again hint of sarcasm) c'mon let's get real. For thousands of years christians have not all shared the same beliefs, this is no different. These people just took it to a whole new level. Now we just have to wait til our appending doom of 2012, another end of the world prediction that people will give up thier jobs, waste all thier money and maybe even kill themselves before the apocolyptic end of the world that people will lose thier minds over.

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